Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cappadocia aka Kapadokya in Turkish
To me this is where I love Turkey most....
cos I get ride in a balloon  : )

Cappadocia lies in eastern Anatolia, in the center of  Turkey (ancient Argaeus) at 3916 m.
Due to its inland location and high altitude, Cappadocia has a markedly continental climate,
with hot dry summers and cold snowy winters

The Incredible Balloon Ride

We reached the site at around 7 + am in order to catch the sunrise.
Below , the experts are preparing the ballon for the flight.

Others have already gone up

And now Out Turn : )

I actually wonder why our balloon is not as colourful as the others

More balloons rising up to the sky

Balloon of the Beautiful country, Turkey

A shadow of our Balloon caught.

We've made touchdown safely with great experience and beautiful
memories of the flight. Would surely do it again if we have the chance.
Signing off with a round of champagne : )